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Familiarity Bred Contempt (Shit) 


Rubbercut prints on toilet paper

overflowing from a plastic trash bin



shown during the 2015 MFA Open Studios

Finley Hall, Montclair State University,

New Jersey 

Devotional Wall II
Permanent ink and personal clothing swatches on hundreds of hand-torn, coffee-stained pieces of book paper, installed on 10.5 x 7 feet wall niche
part of The Big Show v.2.0
The Art Factory, Paterson, New Jersey 


Letting Go

Two sentences handwritten with white chalk
334 times each on a 94 ½ x 267 ¼ inches convex wall, with a single curve ball word

Finley Hall, Montclair State University,

New Jersey

The Curtain

Acrylic and 'watermark' original poem

handwritten with lotion on glued sheets

of wrapping tissue paper,

installed with curtain pins and wood dowel          Curtain approx. 75 x 75 inches



Finley Hall, Montclair State University,

New Jersey  

Contradiction I

Aluminum repoussé nailed onto scrap wood
Medallions approx. 2.1 cm diameter each
Wood 58.7 x 17.4 x 1.1 cm

shown at the MFA Gallery with working materials
Montclair State University, New Jersey

Devotional Wall


Permanent ink and personal clothing swatches on hundreds of hand-torn, coffee-stained pieces of book paper, installed on 9.5 x 8.5 feet wall



shown during the 2014 MFA Open Studios

Finley Hall, Montclair State University,

New Jersey 

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